Storytelling and Marketing: The Formula That Makes Your Brand Memorable

June 10, 2024

black and white sketch of a stack of old books

Stories remain the most effective way to retain a consumer’s attention in an online marketplace overloaded with information. Why? As humans, we have been telling stories for millennia. We gravitate towards what interests us. You probably still wonder if your grandpa actually had that sixth finger he bragged about when you were little. When your 6th grade teacher told you that he had a “cookie” surgery just so his stomach could feel full after one luscious biscuit, you believed him. You remember it like it was yesterday. Neuroscientists have found that when we listen to a story, our brains release oxytocin, a hormone associated with empathy and bonding. This chemical response makes us more likely to trust the storyteller and, by extension, the brand.1 A well-told story sticks.

Psychologists have just tapped the surface as to why stories “stick” so well. They believe that the familiar structure–beginning, conflict, resolution–aligns with how our brains are wired to process and understand information. 

“Stories can help marketers achieve cut-through in a marketplace that’s (by design) distracting, creating advertising that resonates with people. . .  and sticks. . .

“Even though we’ve got more tech at our disposal than ever before, the power of a simple story holds firm. However you choose to tell stories, as long as you spin a good yarn – with compelling characters, an intriguing plot and plenty of emotion – you’ll keep your audience captivated.” (Sam Killip, “12 Top Storytelling Marketing Examples: How Brands Tell Stories,” Attest, September 19, 2021)2

At JamboJon, our decades of experience have proven that your story–your company’s story, your message, your purpose–forms the most authentic connection with you and your clients. Here’s why:


Stories Captivate Us

When we hear a good story, our brains become more active, engaging our senses, emotions, and even motor functions. Enticing photos of juicy cheeseburgers might catch our attention on a commercial, but when it’s shown in the context of a raggedy little league baseball team celebrating their underdog victory, you REALLY remember it. In marketing, a memorable story creates a lasting impression, making it more likely that consumers will choose your product or brand.


Stories Evoke Emotions

Whether it’s joy, sadness, excitement or nostalgia, a compelling narrative can make us feel deeply. Have you ever gotten a little misty during an online ad? That wasn’t an accident. Advertisers choose stories that resonate. In seconds, they can remind you of how you felt sending your oldest child off to college. That gentle tug on your heart influences your buying decisions regardless of how rational or logical you might be. 


Stories Help You See Yourself

Stories allow us to see ourselves through the characters and narratives that mean the most to us. Each brand has a voice. That tone creates an experience, a feeling, a personality, a character. When Nike told their audience that greatness could be found in the most average, overlooked person, people responded. They felt that their meager efforts were finally noticed and appreciated. They embraced their potential. What a message! 


How Can You Pin Down Your Brand’s Personality? We Can Help.

“Research reveals that consumers perceive the same type of personality characteristics in brands as they do in other people. And just like with people, they are attracted more to some personality types than others—attractions which are emotion-based, not rational. Brand personality is communicated by marketers through packaging, visual imagery, and the types of words used to describe the brand” (Peter Noel Murray, Ph.D., “How Emotions Influence What We Buy,” Psychology Today, February 26, 2013).3

How can we help you create a brand or marketing strategy that captures the attention of the right people? Easy peasy. We nail your brand’s personality and character. Your story naturally flows with the help of wordsmiths, designers and developers.

In your first meetings with the JamboJon team, you will be given a short quiz about your brand. This brand archetype quiz will tell us how you want people to perceive your company. What is your primary purpose and focus? What reactions do you want in your customers? This incredibly unique resource will not only name the brand archetype that best suits your company, but it will inform the tone of the content, fonts, colors, design ideas and direction for your marketing strategy. This personality, or blend of personalities, will make your brand memorable and distinctive. It gives you a game plan, a foundation to form an emotional connection with your ideal customer. What an incredible starting point!


Eliminate the Fluff

Let me step from behind the curtain for just a minute. I’m Chani, one of the writers on this amazing JamboJon team. For years, I studied English and Creative Writing. One of my most pivotal writing moments happened when I submitted a final English paper and received it back, slashed to pieces with a sharpie. My professor drew red Xs through the content and wrote, “FLUFF” across the top. Ouch. Truth be told, it probably was fluff. Filler. A bunch of meaningless words strung together to meet a quota. What did I learn from that embarrassing grade? Every word counts.

That experience still haunts me. Whenever our team creates content, we cut out the fluff. There’s no fillers or quotas. We lean into your authentic voice. We choose to share what resonates with those who need your product or services. We believe what we put out there. Do you know that you convert our team in the process? When you have copywriters, designers and developers who stand fiercely behind your company, you receive a polished message, an out-n-out testimonial bragging about what you do. There’s enough fluff out there. Consumers are smart. Cut to the substance of your story and couple it with your authentic personality, and (whew!) you won’t need a flashlight to watch the magic unfold. 


Take the Quiz!



  1. Zak, P.J. (2015). Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High Performance Companies. New York: AMACOM.