Shoot Down the Myths Surrounding National Self-Improvement Month

August 29, 2024

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Look, you don’t need another self improvement guru chattering about what you need to change in your life. The top five experts already pocket a ga-jillion dollars annually on five-minute life hacks that improve your daily routine. Those have their place, for sure. But in this article, we’re going to aim our paintball guns and fire away at the MYTHS surrounding self-improvement, especially for business owners. Let’s be honest. You really can’t move forward unless you know which advice is best for YOU. Feed the hopper a handful of neon paintballs and slip on your mask. Cock it! This might get messy!

Myth: Self Improvement is a One-Time Event (SPLAT!)

Reality: Congratulations! You read a fabulous book or attended a sold-out seminar. You might have even experienced a single breakthrough “aha” moment. But self-improvement is a continuous journey that requires consistent effort and refinement over time to lead to permanent change.

How to Tackle It: Allow your breakthrough to be a catalyst to embrace lifelong learning. Commit to daily habits like reading, reflecting or seeking feedback that support gradual, ongoing improvement. Understand that small, consistent changes often lead to lasting transformation.

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Myth: Working Harder is the Key to Success (SPLAT!)

Reality: Ah! The classic “first person there, last person to leave saga.” We’ve all heard it. While hard work is essential, don’t mistake “hustling” for self improvement. Putting in more hours won’t automatically lead to better results. Don’t overlook the value of working smarter and focusing on strategic growth.

How to Tackle It: Prioritize working on the RIGHT things rather than just doing more. Develop time management skills, delegate tasks, and focus on activities that align with your goals. Incorporate rest and self-care into your routine–you can’t run on an empty tank for long. 

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Myth: Success Requires Fixing All Weaknesses (SPLAT!)

Reality: When you’re in the spotlight, the chinks in your armor show even more. You might think you need to address every. single. weakness. to succeed. Come on, now! You’re ignoring your strengths. When you hammer away at being great at everything, you just exhaust yourself. 

How to Tackle It: Do what YOU DO BEST! Focus on amplifying your strengths while STRATEGICALLY managing your weaknesses. Surround yourself with people who complement your skill gaps. Remember that even the best leaders still have some weaknesses. Take heart–those weaknesses keep you humble.

Myth: Self-Improvement is a Solo Endeavor (SPLAT!)

Reality: Seriously, why do you need to figure things out on your own? It’s not about you. Reaching out to others is not a sign of weakness. Why isolate yourself when you can draw on the strengths of others?

How to Tackle It: Seek support from mentors, peers or mastermind groups. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Their perspectives can accelerate growth and provide valuable insights. 

Myth: Once You’re Successful, Self-Improvement is No Longer Necessary (SPLAT!)

Reality: You might assume that once you’ve reached a certain level of success, you no longer need to focus on improvement. I was amazed to attend a concert by a famous pianist who admitted that he lugged a keyboard on the plane in order to practice leading up to this event. “Practice?” I thought. “Why does HE need to practice the piano?” Well, this performer probably understood complacency. When you get TOO comfortable, you can stagnate and decline in both personal and professional growth.

How to Tackle It: Ongoing self-improvement is essential, no matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey. Constantly challenge yourself to learn new skills, adapt to changes, and refine your leadership strategies. How do you know if there’s a better burger joint if all you do is visit the same one?

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Myth: Motivation is All You Need (DOUBLE SPLAT!)

Reality: Ooh, this one gets me every time! You might believe that if you just stay motivated, you can achieve any goal. However, the experts tell us that motivation is fleeting, and relying solely on it can lead to burnout or inconsistency.

How to Tackle it: Develop HABITS, discipline, and systems that keep you on track even when motivation wanes. Establish routines, set clear goals, and break them down into actionable steps that you can execute daily, regardless of how motivated you feel. The less you have to think about it (or force yourself), the more likely you are to do it!

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Myth: Personal Development is Separate from Business Growth (SPLAT!)

Reality: “It’s not personal; it’s business” doesn’t fly anymore. Self-improvement is a personal matter that feeds your success at work. Avoid the trap of developing better business skills while neglecting your mindset, health, and emotional intelligence. (We’ve all met someone like that.)

How to Tackle It: Improve areas like resilience, communication, and stress management. Yes, those aren’t just genetic “you-either-have-them-or-you-don’t” traits! Watch how directly they impact how you lead and grow your business. Make sure you prioritize holistic growth in both personal and professional areas.

Myth: You Need the Perfect Plan Before Taking Action (SPLAT!)

Reality: From one planner to another: you really can get STUCK in planning mode.  You don’t need to map out everything perfectly before making changes. This just leads to procrastination and missed opportunities. 

How to Tackle It: Imperfect action is better than no action at all. Learn as you go. Focus on progress over perfection. By taking consistent, small steps toward improvement, you can pivot and adjust based on real-world feedback, leading to better outcomes over time.


Firearms Down! 


Good job, my friend. I’m proud of you for knocking down the incorrect assumptions and folly embedded into work culture. While we can all improve in different areas, we don’t need to drive ourselves crazy with unrealistic, unsustainable practices. Believe me, you’re better off without them. This September, pick ONE practice–just one–and break it down. See if you can build ways to incorporate it into your national self-improvement month. We’d love to hear how it goes. 


If you had fun shooting down these myths, you’re in for a treat! JamboJon can  also help you knock out more myths surrounding marketing strategy and best practices for computer development. Go ahead and reload!