Interviews With Kids: How the Rising Generation Sees Web Development

July 1, 2024

black and white little girl

In this delightful interview series, we chat with our youngest JamboJon kiddos. They break down the process of web development into simple one-liners. Listen in as they share their thoughts, ideas, and hilarious misconceptions about websites. Prepare to be amused and inspired by their refreshingly honest perspective. Uncover what these pint-size experts think about the virtual spaces we create.


KIDS’ Questions

What is a website?

"I already know what one is. It’s basically a tab." - Elsie, age 6

"It has a purpose. It’s something where, like, YouTube is a website where you watch videos. Roblox is a website where you play games. It’s somebody who builds a site with a purpose." - Ryder, age 11

"It’s where people work and they write stuff." - Hudson, age 7

"When you do things and you click on things." - Emmy, age 4


What makes a good website? Do you have any favorites?

"When you work hard on it. Wait, is Amazon a website?"

"My mom’s."

"Mini ones, house ones, exercise, progress websites (that means if you do something that’s wrong, then you can’t do what you got to do)"


If you were in charge and could make your own website, what would it be about? How would you tell people about it?

"Dogs, of course. I would tell them about different dogs. I’m not sure."

"It would probably be about, I dunno."

"Chicken nuggets. Everyone would visit my site. I’d tell them on a TV commercial or poster board."



There are a lot of websites out there. How would yours be different from everybody else?

"No one’s made a dog website. No one likes dogs as much as me. I would put every type of dog and their picture."

"Because mine is food. Mine is tender."


What colors or designs would you use?

"I would put paw prints on it. I would use brown and white and black because dogs have those colors on them."

"Brown and black and green and red. Those are my favorite colors."

"Blue, pink, yellow, green. Because they are mission colors (that means you can do stuff that you want to do)."


What kind of people would want to visit your website? Tell me about them.



"Hudson [brother] would come to my website and Julius [friend]."


How do you turn your website into a store where people can buy stuff from you?

"You make a button so it will send a message to the bank where you can put that money into your money account, right?"

"I make a store, I make an online thing on my website so you can order fries, burgers and chicken nuggets. I do programming. I make a store outside my building, and I will get the money from there. They order it off of my website, then go to my store to get it. Then my workers will come here and give me the money."

"You put food in the store, lots of food in the store and drinks. I would put dogs in it, put Brinley in it, and I will bring her back in two days, I will do stuff like that."


What do you do when your website doesn’t work right?

"I would close up the website and turn it back on."

"You have to fix the error"

"I shut it down. No, I don’t shut it down. I make a clothes website. I’ll call fixers."

"I fixed it. I’ll be a fixer. You use tools to fix it."


Do you know of anyone that can help build the website of your dreams?



"Mom, Dad, Cade and Tyson. [Our family]"



How do you think the internet knows what websites people are looking for?

"People search for what they’re looking for so they know what they’re looking for."

"If you search one thing, that’s where it starts and it gives suggestions for sites that are like that."

"Because I look it up on Google, and it remembers."

"For food and dogs. Websites are like fire. They paint walls and they do stuff and they sell their house. My favorite thing is to go swimming. (Can you do that on a website?)No, It might destroy the Earth."


These curious, unfiltered opinions remind us in the industry that simplicity, creativity, and user-friendly designs go a long way. While the kids may not use all the technical jargon, their intuitive grasp of concepts isn’t surprising. These cartoony voices highlight the need for fresh ideas that cater to all ages, whether they understand computer programming or they couldn’t care less. 

Because the JamboJon kids see their parents working on web development every day, they know they can come to us with a website question. We extend that invite to you as well. Contact us today if you want us to be a “fixer” on your site.