My Courses

  • Jonny Johnson

    Jonny Johnson

    Jonny Johnson (JonJon) Creative Director and Founder | JamboJon Websites Jonny (Jon Jon) Johnson’s natural curiosity led him to wonder how things work. Even as a child, he would take things apart and figure out how to put them back together. His knack for engineering, household repairs, and fixing ever-breakable toys around the house bloomed…

  • Sarah Johnson

    Sarah Johnson

    Sarah Johnson Sales Director, Co-Founder As co-founder of JamboJon, a website development company dedicated to building platforms that help people grow their business, Sarah’s unique experience with sales, psychology, and human connection give her the ability, along with her team, to create websites that marry technology, storytelling and graphics. Writing is a lifelong passion for…

  • How to Make Writing Sound Less Like AI

    How to Make Writing Sound Less Like AI

    A few tips and tricks to make your content more unique:   In its latest update, Google made some algorithm changes aimed to “reduce low-quality, inaccurate, or unoriginal content,” especially that generated by artificial intelligence.  What does that mean? Can you still use AI for content creation? Absolutely! Like it or not, AI has saturated…

  • Life of the Party

    Life of the Party

    Sometimes One Backpack Isn’t Enough Expanding Your Business Capacity Do you remember the backpack you took to school growing up? You couldn’t use that backpack to go on a backpacking trip, and you’d need a totally different backpack for your kayaking trip. All kinds of different backpacks suit just as many different needs. Rob Ferre…

  • Clair Mellenthin

    Clair Mellenthin

    An Adventurous Curiosity When Playtime Becomes a Passion Imagine scoring the dream job where your workload feels like playtime. Because of the depth and work that went into your education, you get to wake up every morning with a childlike, adventurous curiosity. Your training means that you approach mundane tasks with a magical perspective. What…

  • The Pop Tart Bowl Mascot: What You Can Learn from a Marketing Success Story 

    The Pop Tart Bowl Mascot: What You Can Learn from a Marketing Success Story 

    If you have ever drafted a fantasy football team or filled out a playoff bracket, you might just be a fan of college football. You probably spend your holidays in pajamas, with a bag of chips and salsa on the coffee table, completely engrossed in football. Behind the scenes at these bowl games, marketing gurus…

  • Arthritis Knee Pain Center

    Arthritis Knee Pain Center

    Hit the Ground Running With a New Website Repurposing Your Message Have you ever worn out a pair of running shoes? It happens gradually. At first, the inside lining starts to deteriorate, offering you less cushion. You develop blisters on your feet, even though you’ve never had problems before. Over time, bumpy trails wear down…

  • Advice for New Business Owners and Those Looking to Level Up

    Advice for New Business Owners and Those Looking to Level Up

    What advice would you give to someone starting out with a new business and just setting up a website?    You either have time or money, but rarely both. A professional website is thousands of dollars. If you have the funding, then that’s a different ball game. But if you are just beginning with an…

  • Net Neutrality Levels the Playing Field

    Net Neutrality Levels the Playing Field

    This last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3-2 to reinstate net neutrality rules after a seven year hiatus enacted during the Donald Trump administration. They said that the pandemic made it clear that the internet is used more widely than ever before, including for school, work, and healthcare.  These net neutrality regulations block…

  • While There are No Shortcuts in Life, Enjoy Shortcut Keys for Mac and PC Users

    While There are No Shortcuts in Life, Enjoy Shortcut Keys for Mac and PC Users

    At a theme park, you purchase a pass that allows you to jump to the front of the line. In a traffic jam, you might veer off the main road and find a back road to reach your destination much more quickly. Are there shortcuts in life? Absolutely! A shortcut doesn’t mean that you skip…

  • Making Your Hiring Processes One Degree Better

    Making Your Hiring Processes One Degree Better

    You’ve been there. You’ve been the family member fanning yourself in a sweltering auditorium, but you’ve also been the one to take the stage in cap and gown, diploma in hand. But what comes next? “Young adults are having a challenging time finding good, well-paying jobs. The job market is extremely competitive, as more and…

  • Emily Pearl Photography

    Emily Pearl Photography

    See What Lies Just Below the Surface Capturing the Depths of Human Emotion For decades, divers have used special cameras to capture the wonders of the ocean. Previously inaccessible to the majority, these captivating images sparked a newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity under the surface. What if you, as an entrepreneur, possessed a…