Astronaut in computer

Do you have a JamboJon Website?

Welcome to our new service system

Send a Request to Our Support Desk

We won’t leave you floating in space -
let us take care of your website so you can take care of your business.

Astronomical Problems? We’ve Got Solutions

Does your website need a small update? A new photo, a new product added, updated contact information, updated product information? We’ve got you.

Or is there something bigger going on? A technical glitch? Something not loading, right? Is your website crashing down to earth? We’ll take care of you and get your homepage safely home. Click here to read our pricing policy.

As Easy as 3-2-1... Blast off!

Create an Account

Submit your support ticket

Our team will be in touch

"JamboJon, We Have a Problem"

Step-By-Step Guide on how to submit a Request to Our Support Desk:

Screenshot of the new ticket page


Navigate to Create a JamboJon Support Ticket or click the “Get Support” button

Screenshot of the new ticket page
sign up screenshot


Click “Sign Up” and create an account. Multiple users can be created from the same company.

sign up screenshot
screenshot of the form


Fill out the request form. Be as detailed as possible, and include screenshots if needed. You can also attach files.

screenshot of the form
submit screenshot


When you’ve given all the information you can, click “Submit.” The JamboJon Support Desk will be notified immediately. You will receive a message when your ticket is being assessed.

submit screenshot
Screenshot of my tickets


You can find tickets in progress through your Client Portal under “My Tickets.” Here you can also add new information and files to your tickets. You can always ask questions and get status updates as well.

Screenshot of my tickets
screenshot showing the checkbox to mark a ticket as resolved


When your ticket is finished, you will receive a report of the completed work. If you are satisfied with the result, check the “Please consider this request resolved” field. This feedback helps us know if there are further issues to be worked on.

screenshot showing the checkbox to mark a ticket as resolved
submit a request screenshot


You can submit multiple ticket requests at the same time. Simply click “Submit a Request” for another ticket. Individual tickets for different requests will receive better service.

submit a request screenshot
isolated astronaut


We’ll take care of your website so you can take care of your business. Relax knowing that your online voyage is in good hands with JamboJon.

isolated astronaut
black and white etched style of astronaut in space

Submit a request to our support desk now!

Whether it's a simple image you need changed, or something more complex, our support desk is here to help you accomplish any task you need! Click here to read about our pricing policy.

*Support requests may be subject to the hourly billing policy in JamboJon's Pricing Policy.