My Courses

  • Jonny Johnson

    Jonny Johnson

    Jonny Johnson (JonJon) Creative Director and Founder | JamboJon Websites Jonny (Jon Jon) Johnson’s natural curiosity led him to wonder how things work. Even as a child, he would take things apart and figure out how to put them back together. His knack for engineering, household repairs, and fixing ever-breakable toys around the house bloomed…

  • Sarah Johnson

    Sarah Johnson

    Sarah Johnson Sales Director, Co-Founder As co-founder of JamboJon, a website development company dedicated to building platforms that help people grow their business, Sarah’s unique experience with sales, psychology, and human connection give her the ability, along with her team, to create websites that marry technology, storytelling and graphics. Writing is a lifelong passion for…

  • Emily Pearl Photography

    Emily Pearl Photography

    See What Lies Just Below the Surface Capturing the Depths of Human Emotion For decades, divers have used special cameras to capture the wonders of the ocean. Previously inaccessible to the majority, these captivating images sparked a newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity under the surface. What if you, as an entrepreneur, possessed a…

  • How to Have Fun in the Rain

    How to Have Fun in the Rain

    Sometimes, you just need to step away from the desk. Clear your head. When it’s raining outside, take advantage of the unexpected excursion. Be spontaneous! Go for a rainy hike. Breathe the deeply earthy smell all around you. Embrace your inner child and splash in puddles. Pack a waterproof picnic blanket, snacks, and cuddle under…

  • Learn from the Experts at an AI Marketing Workshop in Utah

    Learn from the Experts at an AI Marketing Workshop in Utah

    Useful AI Workshop: Leverage AI, ML and Digital Transformation Today Tuesday, April 23, 2024 from 10am-1pm The buzz around AI and Machine Learning is getting too loud to ignore. But do you know how to implement AI in your business? Join 10K Alumni at Silicon Slopes on April 23 to learn from Guy Harding and…

  • How Do You Create a Gantt Chart? 

    How Do You Create a Gantt Chart? 

    You’ve planned your project with intricate detail. You’ve accounted for budget, materials, and helpers along the way. But sometimes, an unanticipated storm knocks your project off track. When your best-laid plans get smudged beyond recognition, even the simplest tools can help you recalibrate. Start with a brand-new timeline. A gantt chart illustrates a realistic project…

  • Competitor Analysis: When It Rains, It Doesn’t Have to Pour

    Competitor Analysis: When It Rains, It Doesn’t Have to Pour

    Every business must face stormy weather. When the proverbial skies darken, and raindrops smear against the window panes, you have a choice. You can curl up in a ball with comfy socks, hoping that the rain will go away on its own. Or you can pull out your galoshes and look for unique opportunities to…

  • Angela Nusbaum

    Angela Nusbaum

    Shouldering Growth: A Backpack Full of Possibilities Organizing For Success Have you ever emptied a backpack so full of stuff that you forgot everything you had collected? Tip it upside down, shake it a couple times, and it may surprise you what falls out. Start by making piles. When our client, Angela Nusbaum decided to…

  • Prepare a Featured Image in Photoshop for a Blog Post

    Prepare a Featured Image in Photoshop for a Blog Post

    Exporting a featured image for a blog post from Adobe Photoshop with a ’16:9′ aspect ratio and a final size of ‘740×416 pixels’ involves a few steps, from setting up your image to exporting it with the correct specifications. Here’s how you can do it: Open Your Image Launch Adobe Photoshop. Open the image you…

  • Take a Leap This Year! How to Build Better Business Relationships

    Take a Leap This Year! How to Build Better Business Relationships

    Every four years, an extra day sneaks onto February’s calendar, throwing us off with a bonus 24 hours. In some cultures, Leap Year Day is a day when women can propose marriage to a man. Taking that next-level leap in a relationship can be intimidating! (Cue sweaty hands and stuttering words!) To celebrate this light-hearted…

  • How to Use AI in Business

    How to Use AI in Business

    AI is a mixed bag of usefulness and crutches. “AI is a mixed bag of usefulness and crutches. Regardless of your feelings, technology is here to stay. I try to keep an open mind about how it can improve the speed and quality of my work, but I also understand that it has limits and…

  • Setting Boundaries At Work

    Setting Boundaries At Work

    As entrepreneurs, we give our all to the success of our business. We dive into the adventure, headfirst, poised for the challenges inevitably around every corner. We thrive on making a difference in our clients’ lives. But at some point, does our work identity become our only identity? Professor Arthur Brooks* at the Harvard Business…