Following Those Who Light the Way

Health Challenges That Leave You in the Dark

For thousands of years, humankind operated in the dark, aided only by candles or torches to light the way. When Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity, it changed the world forever. 

Have you ever had a health problem that needed assistance? On your own, every decision made you feel like you were simply stumbling around in the dark. Your primitive attempts to find relief failed time and time again. When you finally crossed paths with the one person who possessed the right combination of knowledge, experience, trial and error, your world shifted! 

Lindsay Schilaty contacted JamboJon with a life-changing program, one that sheds light on ways to help women improve their health during the phases of menopause. She built a 13-week course, but needed a design, marketing campaign, and ways to start selling her online instruction to the masses. Essentially, she needed a new build. She had an online space, but it was only a construction site. She did not realize that she didn’t actually own her own domain. When the tangle of technical problems unraveled, she too, needed someone to hold her hand through the process.

“Sarah! You are patient with me, AND push me out of comfort zone. I am so grateful and excited about this project.”

- Lindsay Schilaty, Good Life with Lindsay

Finding the Bright Side of Things

It seemed Lindsay ran into one technology stumbling block after another. From challenges with her domain registrar to her email set up, we just couldn’t get a break. In this sticky situation, we found ways to illuminate what we COULD do. Through teamwork, innovation and patience, we worked through every challenge and build a beautiful website!  Our collaborative effort paved the way for Lindsay to reach those who need her expertise.

  • Her new website design beautifully showcases her expertise as a fitness coach and strongly establishes connection to her ideal client. 
  • Her 13-week course is now fully automated within a learning management system for her course. 
  • Stripe and WooCommerce seamlessly integrate to make an easy to use shopping experience, and simple to keep updated on the backend. 

Key Features:


Lindsay Schilaty knows her clientele. Her specialty lies within a narrow niche of women in a specific phase of life. Because she’s so focused, she understands her clients’ needs better than anyone.


The design on this website incorporates decorative, subtle lines that guide you through the site. It flows seamlessly from one section to the next. You naturally keep scrolling to learn more.


Lindsay presents herself as a trusted, relatable friend. Instead of airbrushed stock photos, she chose to portray a more authentic version of herself, even with a messy bun and workout clothes.


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