Breathing New Life into
Alpine Forestry’s Website

Freshening Up

Imagine a job where you rarely find yourself tied to a desk. You drive up the canyon, climbing along switchbacks, then stop at the edge of a field of wildflowers. Breathe in that crisp, mountain air! That fresh breath fills your lungs and for a moment, the world feels right. Because you work outdoors, you especially appreciate a bright, clear day with a whisper of a wind. What if your website could offer visitors a chance to appreciate a refreshing update, just as much as you appreciate that cool breeze?

Our friends at Alpine Forestry have seen forest terrain consumed by rolling wildfires and smoke. They, more than anyone, value a breath of fresh air. Alpine Forestry came to JamboJon hoping to invigorate their existing online presence. They had a solid structure to their web pages and valuable content. They communicated their service offerings clearly–they just needed to spruce up their site to make it feel new again.

Rejuvenating Movement

At JamboJon, we embraced the idea of rejuvenating a stagnant site. This project presented an opportunity to bring Alpine Forestry’s site to life – literally! We added movement to the site through animation and interactive elements. Optimizing their SEO meant more open doors for online traffic to visit their site and experience their service offerings. While we had to work within the limitations of their existing website builder, we improved site speed and functionality. We replaced dated images with high-resolution images that reflect the lush forests and inspired the need to protect them.

  • Natural textures and patterns
  • Movement for visual interest
  • Stirring, simplified content
  • Optimized SEO, speed and functionality

Key Features:


Enhanced Alpine Forestry’s passion for forestry with a tactile design full of texture and colors mimicking the natural patterns of wood grain and bark.


Alpine knows the best ways to help a living forest thrive. They brought their website to life through movement, subtle animations and smooth transitions.

Rich Content

With interactive infographics and updated images, Alpine Forestry immerses their website visitors in the lush forest. Simple, straightforward content keeps their focus on the trees.


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