Technical Onboarding

We are excited to get you started with a JamboJon website. This form will allow us to collect all the technical information we need to start your project. If you have questions about any of these answers, please contact your project manager.

Technology Questions
We are excited to get you started with a JamboJon website. This form will allow us to collect all the technical information we need to start your project. If you have questions about any of these answers, please contact your project manager.

Contact Information

Who is the primary contact for this project? (For the day to day communication)
Who is the primary contact for this project? (For the day to day communication)

Purpose & Tracking

Do you have an existing site on the internet?
This is a secure field and stored in our password vault.
This is a secure field and stored in our password vault.
Do you want a backup of your current site?


We will work together to get a regularly scheduled backup of your new site. We will install Updraft Plus, a WordPress plugin, to help us with backups separate from the server.

In addition, make sure you understand your host’s backup policy. Usually, they provide backups once per day, for 7 days, then the oldest deletes. If there is a problem with hacking, you need to make sure to catch and restore the old backup within 7 days, or your website will be gone. JamboJon is not responsible for this backup system. 

Post-launch, JamboJon will send you instructions on how to connect Updraft to your desired place of storage. We will be here to assist you if needed to make sure a backup of your new site is being saved regularly.

What other features are you adding to your JamboJon business website?
What’s the primary purpose of your website? (Note: This is not the same thing as the primary and secondary CTAs.)
How do you track your website leads?
Do you want a CRM System?
**If yes, this will incur and additional fee. Please talk to your project manager for a quote, if you'd like JamboJon's help.
What CRM/Email Provider do you have?
Salesforce requires the Elite version of a Formidable Forms license. It costs $299.50 per year.
Do you want help cleaning the data for import?

**If yes, this will incur and additional fee. Please talk to your project manager for a quote, if you'd like JamboJon's help.

This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
Do you have a free download that we can use for the website?
Do you want help creating a free download?
**This will incur an additional fee. Please talk to you project manger for a quote.
Are you using a calendar tool for customers to book with you online?
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault. Additionally, you can make JamboJon an admin on the account.

Merchant Provider Information

If you don't have a merchant provider currently, let's get you set up with WooCommerce, our preferred provider. Go to and get signed up with a free account. Then enter your login credentials below in the appropriate fields so we can help you set up your eCommerce shop on your website. 

This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault. Additionally, you can make JamboJon an admin on the account.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault. Additionally, you can make JamboJon an admin on the account.
Do you want to offer:
Do you sell products outside of your home state?

The sales tax laws in the United States have been updated for online shopping carts.

You must collect and remit sales tax if you hit a certain sales threshold in different states. Each state has a different threshold, called a nexus. Please talk to your accountant to determine when we need to upgrade your shopping cart to collect sales tax for different states other than your home state. You can view the state-by-state collection requirements here. JamboJon can help install a software program and work with your accountant to register in each state that you need to collect for a Work Order Change.

What add-ons do you want for your shopping cart?
Do you want to offer an online chat?

Learning Management System Information

Our preferred LMS is Sensei. Click here to purchase the Sensei Pro license for $15/mo or $179/yr so you can start selling your course/s online.

Once you have purchased your Sensei license and signed up with your account, please enter your login credentials in the corresponding fields below.  

Is your course already created?
Do you need any upgrades?
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.

Events Information

If you are not already set up for events on your website, let's get you set up with a few merchants to see tickets to your next event.

  1. We recommend WooCommerce be your Merchant Services provider. Sign up for a free account. Then enter your login credentials in the appropriate fields below so we can help you set up your eCommerce shop on your website.
  2. Go to The Events Calendar and purchase the plus version for $99. This allows for payment integration with Woo. Then enter your login credentials in the appropriate fields below.
  3. Sign up with Purple Pass to be able to offer assigned seating. Then enter your login credentials in the appropriate fields below. Learn more here.
Do you want to offer:
Additionally, you can make JamboJon an admin on your account.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.

Membership Information

Our preferred membership integration is Membership Works. They offer different price tiers depending on the size of your membership. If you don't already have a membership integration on your site, please sign up here for the account that best fits your needs. 

Then enter your login credentials in the appropriate fields below. 

Is there a current URL that explains your membership levels, benefits, costs, etc.?
Do you want to offer:
Do you have a current membership list that needs to be uploaded?
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.

**If we are setting you up with a merchant service provider for memberships, it will be through Membership Works.

Domain & Hosting

Do you have a domain name purchased?

Since you don’t have a domain registered, click this link to buy one at KnownHost, our preferred vendor. You will receive 1/2 off your first purchase! Then enter the login credentials in the appropriate fields below.

This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
You can go to and find out who your domain registrar is. This is where your is rented from. GoDaddy is the most common domain registrar.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
Do you have a need or interest in moving your domain registrar?

Our preferred host and domain registrar is called KnownHost and JamboJon clients get half off on their first purchase of one month, one year or three years.

Click here to purchase our preferred vendor’s hosting package.

Once you have purchased a domain, please email with your login instructions. After you receive your purchase receipt, you will receive an email from KnownHost; please forward us that email.

Do you have any subdomains that are connected to your domain name? (CNAME Records that need to be moved.)
For example: Kajabi | Click Funnels | Learning Management Portal like Teachable. Note: We will not create the CNAME records for third party platforms not included with our scope.
This is also called a redirect.
Do you want/need new hosting?
Do you want to move to our preferred hosting?

We highly recommend updating your hosting to our preferred host to ensure we can stay within budget on your website launch. If you are using another hosting provider, we will bill you $125/hr to launch your site, outside of our three-hour estimate. Our preferred host is called KnownHost and JamboJon clients get half off on their first purchase of one month, one year or three years.

Click here to purchase our preferred vendor’s hosting package.

Once you have purchased hosting, enter your login below. After you receive your purchase receipt, you will receive an email from KnownHost with CPANEL login and your account login. Please copy and paste that to the field below.

i.e. Go Daddy, Blue Host, Host Monster, Host Gator
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.
This field is secure and stored in our password vault.


Do you have company branded emails currently?
Are your current emails hosted
With your current emails being hosted at your website:
  • Add a Microsoft 365 Account? Starting at $6.95/ per user /per month *recommended (We can provide a referral link to have them set this up, or a vendor who can help.)
  • Add a Google Workspace Account? Starting at $6 per user / per month *recommended (We can provide a referral link to have them set this up, or a vendor who can help.)
Who is currently hosting your emails?
Do you want to set up new emails?
**Setting up emails is not a serviced provided by JamboJon. Your hosting company can help you set up emails.**
Do you need to be HIPPA-compliant with your emails? (THIS IS NOT A SERVICE PROVIDED BY JAMBOJON, BUT BY AN IT PROVIDER.)
We recommend using Microsoft 365 for HIPPA Compliant emails, and this service will cost an additional $8 per user per month, on top of the cost from the third party vendor.


Do you have Google Analytics set up for your site?

We will need access to your GA4 account to be able to set up measurable tracking events through Tag Manager. Please add your web developer and Sarah's email ( as administrators to the account. Instructions on how to do this are found here.