An Adventurous Curiosity
When Playtime Becomes a Passion
Imagine scoring the dream job where your workload feels like playtime. Because of the depth and work that went into your education, you get to wake up every morning with a childlike, adventurous curiosity. Your training means that you approach mundane tasks with a magical perspective. What can you discover? With a newly-found giddiness, you conquer the day’s challenges, not just cross the items off your list. Now take that vision to the next level. What if your “playtime” made a lasting difference in the lives of other people? When you match your passion with helping others improve their lives, each day at work feels like a happy and satisfying experience.
Our client, Clair Mellenthin, is a highly sought-after professional therapist who specializes in play therapy. As an award-winning author and speaker, she travels all over the world to present at play conferences and other engagements. She initially contacted JamboJon to create a website that spoke to professional peers, modern families and others who work with teens and children. It needed to feature each of her special events, advertise the necessary details, and consolidate ticket sales. As the years have passed since the original website build, she continues to lean on JamboJon to consistently rejuvenate the website with fresh elements and content.
Make the Journey Exciting
Clair Mellenthin owns one of our original websites. She’s been a client for years. Because her initial site has started to show signs of aging, we adopted her sense of curiosity and played with ways to keep her site fresh and fluent. We utilized different modules throughout the site to create a new user experience. We created an online shopping cart for her digital books, and easy links to her physical book store. Plus, therapists can register for online classes and retreats. Like her, we think of ingenious ways to use what we have to make magic.
- We design stunning pages to mirror each of her special events.
- We develop new ways to keep her site fresh, interesting and engaging.