Archetype Quiz

Archetype Quiz
Where online adventures begin graphic with hiker facing mountain peaks.
At JamboJon, we believe that a deep understanding of your own business is the cornerstone of successful online presence. Before embarking on the journey of creating a website, it's crucial to thoroughly comprehend the unique value your business brings to the table and the problems it solves for your clients or customers. Our archetype quiz is designed to guide you through a reflective process that unveils the essence of your business.

By delving into your business's core identity, we can craft a website that not only resonates with your target audience but also effectively communicates the solutions you offer. This strategic approach ensures that every aspect of your website – from design to content – aligns seamlessly with your brand, fostering a powerful connection with your audience and driving meaningful growth for your business.

How would you describe the values and message of your brand? (Choose 3)
Aiming for your target audience with a female archer
How would you describe your target audience? (Choose 3)
What emotions or feelings do you want your brand to evoke in customers? (Choose 3)
Ice climber on a mission
How does your brand differentiate itself from competitors? (Choose 3)
Rock climber in black and white
How would you describe your brand's visual identity? (Choose 3)

  woman on a hot air balloon adventure

What would you say is the primary purpose of your marketing and advertising campaigns?
Phoenix to represent rebranding
Is your brand currently undergoing a rebrand or attempting to reposition itself in the market?
Bridge making a connection between brand and client
What kind of emotional connection would you like to see from your advertising/marketing?
Do you see your brand as a disruptor or revolutionary in your industry?
If a customer chose your company, product, or service, how would you describe their journey?