Focus on the Message That Matters Most

The Big Picture

Zions Security is a company dedicated to making homes and businesses safer through a wide range of security cameras, gadgets, and systems. However, like a camera that takes an unintentional, fuzzy photo of a thumb, their website missed the big picture: the peace of mind their products bring to customers.

Our client wanted more than just an upgrade – they needed a site that could truly capture the essence of their brand while keeping their technical needs in focus. With thousands of pages and a team of contributors managing the site, Zions Security faced several unique challenges: outdated messaging, technical limitations, and a complex structure that needed scalable solutions to bring it up to date.

The WHY Behind It All

 To address the most pressing issues, we focused on what mattered most to Zion’s Security’s audience: feeling safe. Instead of a disconnected, sterile approach to selling security equipment, we bridged the gap to showcase the WHY behind it. To improve the customer’s experience, we optimized the site speed, made it ADA-compliant, and updated it with the latest plugins without altering the existing theme. We created a phased approach for the Zions Security Team to manage and update content efficiently without disrupting the design or user experience. In short, we didn’t let anything get in the way of the bigger picture.

  • Collaborated with our client’s internal team to integrate website changes and train them for cohesive upgrades across the massive site.
  • Rewrote the website using storytelling formulas that emphasized safety, security, and peace of mind.
  • Streamlined excessive code, reducing load times and improving performance. 
  • Implemented an efficient cache policy to boost site speed. 
  • Connected the website to social media platforms for better integration.

Key Features:

Message Transformation

We reframed the messaging for Zions Security and swapped a product-centric approach for a more people-centric one. This makes their services and products more relatable to you.

User Friendly Experience

You will enjoy the simplified layout that creates a cleaner, more intuitive user experience. The site moves faster and operates more efficiently without getting bogged down.

Shopping Cart

Browse through an impressive assortment of security products with the touch of a button. Now that you crave peace of mind for your home and business, you can select the ideal security gadget for you.


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